Taking a VAC
Hi folks!
Had a great time in Kingston this past weekend! Myself and a good number of others from groups 75 & 76 went in for the quarterly Volunteer Advisory Committee (or the Peace Corps spirit of acronyms, VAC). We talked ad nauseum about various issues for about 3 hours then had elections for new officers. And the results (drum roll please)... I was elected VP. And I'll be working closely with the new pres, Jenni Post! My election was truly a landslide (well no one was actually running against me - go figure), but she won a hotly contested 3-way race hands down. Agenda item #1 for the upcoming year - shorten the damn VAC meetings.
The rest of the weekend we spent having fun and crazy experiences like hitchhiking a ride for 7 of us in the back of a pickup truck to our friends' hotel at 11:30 (actually, I'm pretty sure that's against Peace Corps security and safety procedures, so we definitely did NOT do that). We also spent a night at Chad & Jamie's house, a cabin on a mountainside overlooking Kingston. There we watched the lights of seemingly serene Town, ate delicious cheese and pasta made lovingly by Jamie in individual plates and tupperware dishes, and walked 45 minutes to lose money playing poker with locals at the nearest bar/shack. In some ways it was sad to leave, but back in MoBay we went to the beach and watched the sunset over the water... and I remembered again how lucky I am to be having this great experience, and that made me smile.
Peace and love from MoBay,